
Foundations™ Learning Center

Conveyor Belt & Component Damage

One of the most expensive components on a conveyor system is the belt itself. Protect your investment.

Proper transition distance is key to preventing junction joint failure.


Most facilities don’t understand the difference between belt damage and normal wear to the belt. Once they recognize this, they will save money on unnecessary repairs by utilizing preventative methods. Wear happens and while it can be slowed, it can’t be stopped. But belt damage can be prevented. Dust and material building up on and burying rolling components is the biggest reason for component failure. Controlling spillage and dust increases component life, therefore contributing to the overall success of a conveyor belt and operation.


Root Causes:
  • Belt selection based on pricing rather than system requirements
  • Dust, spillage, and carryback building up on components
  • Conveyor design shortcomings

Best Practices:
  • Selecting the right belt for the application
  • Diagnose belt failures and change the belt specification for the future
  • Contain fugitive material to prevent dust and material getting into components


Controlling fugitive material and recognizing the difference between belt damage and wear will drastically increase profitability and overall reliability.