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FREE Webinar

Using Engineered Controls to Reduce Conveyor Dust  

This webinar will teach attendees how simple mechanical techniques can make a significant impact on reducing dust at belt conveyor transfer points.

*We recently presented on this concept at the AGG1 Conference in St. Louis* 

Jerad Heitzler

April 22, 2025

10:00 AM CDT

FREE Webinar

Aggregate producers can experience negative effects from conveyor dust. This dust is hazardous and given the new MSHA silica dust rules, it is becoming more important to mitigate. Most dust within a facility is created at the belt conveyor transfer point because material is in a state of free fall and fines are exposed to airflow.   

Attendees will learn how to design, repair, or maintain transfer points in a manner that seals air in the skirted area until it can be slowed to a velocity that can no longer carry dust. Examples and successes will be discussed. 

What you will learn: 

  1. Proper belt support & how it affects dust generation
  2. Limitations of skirting systems & how to get the most out of them
  3. Proper transfer point design to seal air and slow its velocity

"Short, to the point, informative, practical, and engaging!"
- Previous Webinar Attendee

*Our webinars qualify for 1 PDH and .1 CEU's upon completion.

Well presented and informative!

-Previous Attendee

 Great presentation with good real-world examples!

-Previous Attendee

Always a good interactive presentation!

-Previous Attendee


Martin Engineering Webinars

With over 80 years of industry experience, we have a lot of knowledge to share. 

Our goal has always been to make bulk materials handling cleaner, safer, and more productive. With our series of webinars, we hope to share our knowledge and be your source of information for all things belt conveyor and bulk materials handling. Check out a full library of our Webinars On Demand here



One Martin Place, Neponset, IL 61345