Belt Conveyor Training Improves Safety

Enhancing Conveyor Belt Safety: Comprehensive Training and Best Practices for Accident Prevention

The report from the South African Conveyor Belt Systems Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee highlighted that many accidents stem from a lack of understanding of the inherent risks associated with conveyor systems and how to safely operate them.

To prevent accidents effectively, the most effective approach involves implementing a well-designed safety program complemented by thorough and repeated training sessions. It is crucial that conveyor belt safety begins with the newest employees. There is often a tendency to assign tasks such as cleaning around moving belt conveyors to new and less experienced hires. However, before assigning such tasks, new employees should undergo a minimum of four hours of specific classroom instruction on belt conveyors.


Every plant should establish a comprehensive training program for employees whose roles involve working with or near conveyors. This program should educate workers on the risks associated with conveyor operations and the safe practices to follow. It should cover various belt conditions affecting operations, handling of fugitive materials, and ensuring personnel safety. Understanding these conditions can significantly reduce accidents.

Key components of this training should include:

  • General safety practices around belt conveyors
  • Proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Guidelines for personal grooming and appropriate apparel
  • Correct techniques for shoveling around conveyors
  • Safe methods for inspection and maintenance
  • Common conveyor conditions leading to maintenance and safety issues
  • Matching belt selection with structural and environmental conditions
  • Identification and mitigation of fugitive materials (dust and spillage)
  • Procedures for belt tracking

In addition to new hires, experienced employees also require training, as many may have received inadequate or no training on conveyor belt safety. Seminars like Martin Engineering’s Foundations™ Workshop have proven effective in providing focused training to a wide range of personnel, including operations staff, maintenance workers, conveyor engineers, and plant managers. The accompanying Foundations™ Certification Program offers a structured learning path for conveyor safety.

Regular reminders and periodic refresher training sessions are essential to reinforce safety protocols. Organizations such as the US Mine Safety and Health Administration offer valuable case histories of conveyor belt accidents, which serve as effective tools for ongoing training and education.

By implementing these measures, workplaces can significantly enhance conveyor belt safety and reduce the risk of accidents.