Enlarge Transfer Point Enclosures & Reduce Airflow And Dust

Enhancing Conveyor Efficiency with Dust Settling Zones

Bernoulli's Principle provides insight into the Venturi effect, where air accelerates as it passes through a narrow section. This occurs because pressure increases on the upwind side of the constriction and decreases on the downwind side as air exits the constriction. To apply this principle and reduce airflow at transfer points, the enclosed area should be enlarged.

A settling zone is the area past the loading zone's impact area, where the airflow is slowed and airborne dust is allowed to return to the main material cargo.

In conveyor systems, this enlarged area is termed a settling zone, positioned beyond the impact area of the loading zone. The settling zone's length is designed to decelerate airflow and facilitate the return of airborne dust to the main material cargo. Its height should ensure that airflow through the transfer slows to less than 1.0 meters per second (200 ft/min).