Insertable Dust Collection Systems: Advantages and Considerations

Enhancing Efficiency and Cost Savings


An extension of the unit concept is the insertable dust collection system, where the dust collection mechanism is integrated within the point where dust is generated. The filter is enclosed around the dust creation point to control dust at its source. Instead of extracting dust, it is collected and periodically discharged back into the material stream within the enclosure. Insertable dust collectors effectively manage contamination at the source. They are typically installed above transfer points or other areas generating dust, and are compact and self-contained, comprising a fan and a dust filter. These collectors can utilize the positive pressure from conveyor air or operate with their own fan.

2011HThe design allows flexibility in arranging filter bags or cartridges vertically, horizontally, or at any angle. By eliminating the need for ducting, insertable collectors reduce installation and operational energy costs. They are ideal for individual, isolated, or portable dust-producing operations such as bins, silos, transfer points, or mobile conveyors. A key advantage is the elimination of ductwork, making insertable systems often more cost-effective than centralized systems, especially when dealing with multiple nearby dust points.

2012HDue to lower static pressure and no pressure losses from ductwork, the fan motor required is typically smaller than in other systems. The insertable system operates only when the equipment it's attached to is in use, thereby reducing energy consumption. Since dust is returned to the process where it originates, there's no need for a separate dust handling and disposal system. However, one drawback is that these systems require compressed air for filter cleaning. Many plants already use compressed air systems at capacity, potentially straining the plant's air resources if adding a standard reverse-jet cleaning system. Additionally, using compressed air to return dust to its source may release airborne dust during entry and exit from the system.