Foundations™ Books
For over 30 years, Martin Engineering’s Foundations™ books have taught industry personnel to operate and maintain clean, safe, and productive belt conveyors; from head to tail and everything in between.

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Foundations™ Book
The authoritative resource for efficient bulk materials handling covering conveyors with a comprehensive, real-world approach. It provides valuable information to all industries and personnel at all levels:
- 576 Pages
- 600+ color photos & illustrations
- Engineering calculations
- Sample problems
- ROI analysis
- Typical specifications
- Safety considerations
- Available in English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish, and Russian
It takes readers from the basics of how and why conveyors run as they do (and where problems come from) to how to prevent spillage, dust, and carryback as well as how to correct tracking and engineer a conveyor belt washing system
Conveyor Safety Book
The Global Best Practices Resource for Safer Bulk Material Handling
We've gathered this collection of worldwide best practices together in a single resource, to demonstrate the methodology behind calculating the Return On Conveyor Safety™ so you can quantify the true value of conveyor safety. The Foundations™ for Conveyor Safety book is the world's first collection of worldwide best practices and joins our Foundations™ series of books and seminars.
- 300+ Pages
- 6 Sections
- 35 Chapters
- Calculate your Return on Conveyor Safety™
- Best practices for safer bulk material handling
This book will help you ‘connect the dots' to move the topic of conveyor safety from one of individual experiences and experiments into how proven facts can be used to make huge improvements in the safety of your employees at your plant while increasing productivity.